DELIGHTFULL’s world is about ambiance, history, moments that stay forever through lighting designs created by our artisans with wisdom and passion for craftsmanship. It is a know-how culture combining the past Heritage of handwork with attention to emerging needs of the future.
Focused on the best combination of high-quality design and high-quality craftsmanship. Our pieces not only illuminate interiors they also add strong design presence to a space with their unique forms.
Each DELIGHTFULL piece shows our intense passion for lighting design and vintage classics.
Each piece has a unique identity, that is what makes it special.
A present value appealing to soft, relaxing and thoughtful senses.
Each DELIGHTFULL piece has a Heritage of manual wisdom frequently forgotten with massive production.
Heritage, is full of a broad selection of high-quality lighting designs, versatile enough for many types of atmospheres and spaces. Heritage assorted 30’s, 40’s and 50’s Soul and Jazz-inspired lamps takes on the legacy of – WISDOM – of men who craft with their own hands.
They are a synonym for luxury and extraordinariness. Worthy enough to be in Universal Pictures's "Fifty shades of grey". These emblematic products also have a well-deserved Forbes || article written about them.
We are proud to be able to present you DELIGHTFULL's product and grateful for their trust.
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