AYTM - elegance and luxury the Scandinavian way

AYTM - elegance and luxury the Scandinavian way
21 May 2021

Everything that I do while running my business at Modulorista, I do with my heart. The way I choose which designers to represent is no exception from this rule. From the very beginning I had clear selection criteria - quality, vision, harmony between color, shape and function and of course the most important ingredients - authenticity and character.


Each of the brands on the virtual shelves of Modulorista, is special in its own way and gives a unique sense of style. That's why I want to tell you about them.


Something you might be interested to learn is that the selection was reciprocal and often involved preliminary conversations and interviews. Aligning values, attitude to both the customer and the product. I decided to begin the presentations with the company that was the first to respond to my invitation to come to the Bulgarian market and join the Modulorista catalog.





AYTM is a Danish company founded by the couple Kathrine and Per Gran Hartvigsen. The family has many years of experience in the world of interior design, and AYTM is a project born of passion and a desire to bring something innovative to Danish design.


You will immediately notice that AYTM products are characterized by clean lines, regular shapes and natural, earthy colors, and around them hovers a sense of luxury and tranquility. They are elegant and draw attention to themselves without taking over the rooms in which they are located. AYTM products are eye-catching. They are a reflection of an ever-changing life.



For AYTM, being human means being a constant variable, a perfect mix of contrasting elements. Designers express this through the unusual proportions and drama of their products. The 2021 collection is entirely inspired by light and perfectly harmonizes with the overall vision of the brand for the role of furniture and decor as a mediator and mirror between man and the world around him.



The special attitude to light can be seen in their collection of lamps - CYCNUS and LUCEO, which give us the opportunity to peek into the dimension of elegance. And the mirrors from the VERTO series ignite the imagination and create a rainbow effect, even when there is no strong light.



But maybe my favorite part of their collection is the outdoor one. Catherine and Per Gran say that their NOVO furniture is made so that you can enjoy life in the open air - a statement that I fully support. Their collection of garden furniture is functional, sophisticated and allows you to turn the yard into a natural extension of the home.


ORA lanterns bring a special mood, which makes the garden even more alive.


AYTM products bring a sense of harmony, uniqueness and value. The perfect design and masterful workmanship attract attention, and combined with the gentle light from the LUCEO series, they can easily become the main characters in any room.

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